Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bumbing Mumblin

This is supposed to be a midlife mumbling blog & I haven't been mumbling about anything lately much less midlife.  So I will do some catching up.  If this post doesn't explain the inner workings of a pre-menopausal, midlife woman, I don't know what will.

My very smart, talented, handsome, free-spirited, high-on-life son has made the decision that college isn't really all it's cracked up to be and he wants to follow his dream and work with kids in the outdoors.  By now you're saying, Well, that all makes sense; you should follow your dreams.  I wholeheartedly agree.  It's taken me a number of weeks to get over the idea that right now college is not his thing and while he's still young he should travel and live the life of a single, free guy.  So at the end of May, we will pick him up from his dorm; he will say goodbye to his very special roomie and we will bring him home for a few weeks before he packs up all of his belongings -- all of those that are extra special to him like his climbing gear & guitar -- and he and my handsome hubby will head off to Wyoming.  Yes, Wyoming.  Do you notice that word?  Say it very slowly... WY-OH-MING.  Doesn't it sound like "Why, oh me"? 

When we have kids, we have dreams for them.  Our dreams are not their dreams.  They must stretch their wings and leave the nest at some point.  I'm okay with that.  I don't think that having him gone for the summer is all too different than when he worked at Boy Scout camp near Bumping Lake.  He will be home after a few short weeks & then he'll tire of us after a bit and be on to something different.  Au contrair, mon ami!  After he works at the kids' camp, he will be moving over to the resort owned by the same folks.  He plans on being gone until at least October, maybe longer.  He assured me he'd come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I'd better start planning my menu now!

This idea of him moving to a different part of the country does give me some travel ideas, however!  Grand Tetons.  I think I was there when I was five or six and I'm sure I didn't appreciate the scenery at all. And how nice would it be to have my son waiting on ME at a resort?!  Oh, there goes that dreaming again.

So another day that I'm feeling older & one step closer to emptynestedness.  I'm not sure I'm complaining, just mumbling.

Tomorrow I will post about food.  Today I just HAD to report my latest midlife crisis.  I think I'm lovin' it... at least embracing it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Age is just a number... really?

I've been thinking about age a lot recently.  As a mom of an adult child <gasp!> and a wife a retiree, I've been feeling old lately.  I keep plugging away and going to work each day which I like.  I like routine and organization so work keeps me on target.  It seems easier to work out and eat well when I'm in my groove.

Speaking of being in the groove... What really made me think today that I was getting old was when I clicked on the radio to the "oldies" station, Michael Jackson's PYT: Pretty Young Thing was playing.  After singing along and doing a little car dancing on my way to the Park & Ride, I realized I was listening to what is termed an oldies station.  Seriously?  Oldies? That song was released in, oh... 1982 on the Thriller album.  That really wasn't that long ago.  After all in 1982, I was just a pup in high school, eager to get my driver's license and start my own life as a PYT (okay, that was added as humor).

For the last couple of weeks when I've looked into the mirror, I've seen an old lady.  I really think I'm becoming my mom.  My neck is getting wrinkled, my eyes look tired and we won't even talk about my hair!!  I've been focusing on eating so healthy & feeling great I've forgotten to look at ME closely.  And my hands... Oh my goodness.  The hands really tell a woman's age.  Yep.  If I didn't know that I was in control of my fingers, I'd say they were my mother's!  Perhaps when God was mixing the X & Y chromosomes and creating my DNA, I got all of my momma's characteristics.  But that's okay.  My mom was a great woman!  I'll gratefully take her grey hair, her wrinkly, stubby fingers & her lines around her mouth.  I'll accept all of that to have a happy & long life.  In order to do that, I think I'll go eat a salad!