Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For Better or for Worse

I was listening to the radio this morning and people were calling in and telling the story of their craziest dates.  I was amused as I thought back to my first date with my handsome husband almost 23 years ago.  (I will spare you the boring details of dating)  This fall we celebrate 20 years of marriage, something almost unheard of these days.  

As I look back, I'm caught in thoughts of our own parents.  Mine were married 42 years at the time of my mom's death, and my in-laws lived happily ever after for 48 years when she lost her battle with cancer.  What amazing testaments of love, what great examples we have had.  Many of our friends have been married 20, 30 years, some longer (and a few less).  As our own son grows, we watch him in relationships.  My prayer is that he, too, will find love that lasts.

But what is the secret to lasting love?  Holding your tongue?  Putting up with little idiosyncrasies of your loved one?  Giving up and giving in?   For me it is the choice and decision every day to love my spouse with my mind, heart and soul just as Jesus asks us to do and as He has done for us.  Some days it's a bit of a struggle, but  over the years, I've made that decision over 7,000 times, so it must not be that difficult.  It's a choice that I'm glad I made, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Don't get me wrong  -- we've had the "better" and we've had the "worse."  Of course, the tough times are what stand out, but it's the day-to-day cruising happily through life that makes it great!  It's a feeling of comfort -- like old, worn jeans that fit just right.  It's the "better" that helps you through the "worse."  It's knowing that your partner is right there with you, walking every step of the way that makes it right.  How would I have ever made it through difficult times without my beloved and God by my side?  And to share the joys and happiness too -- ahhh, that is bliss!

As a midlifer, I'm pleased with this aspect of my life.  I've known my handsome husband longer than I haven't known him! 

Here's to another 20 (or more) years!

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