This whole idea of giving up sugar should have really been more deeply contemplated. What was I thinking? I did it during Lent so I wouldn't cheat, as I feel cheating on God is much more heinous than cheating on myself. I have kept true to my word, but definitely look forward to Sundays so I can indulge.
When I started this 40 days of wandering in the desert, I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. I have definitely discovered something about myself... I am definitely an addict. Sugar (and maybe food as a whole) has a firm grasp on me. Eating sweet peas or a pear after a meal isn't enough. How about a brownie, a cookie, or something similar? My daily chai tea lattes are gone. I've had one since February 22 and I have to say it wasn't really that good. So I thought it was just as simple as "Nope, doesn't taste good" and I would be over it. Not so easy. I long for Easter morning when I will rush to the closest coffee shop & splurge for a sugar-laden cup of goodness. I will accompany that chai latte with a big slice of a Butter Braid pastry. Ahhh... I can taste it now!
Why do the Girl Scouts sell their cookies at this time of year? Don't they know what we Catholics go through? The temptation of those sweet girls holding those boxes of delectable, tasty rounds of love sometimes are hard to pass up. I know someone who bought some and stuck them in the freezer for "after." Someone else donated them to Operation Cookie Drop. Another just gave cash to the girls in green.
I now have a greater appreciation for those who are truly addicted to harmful substances. Do you think there's a 12-step group meeting at the local Eagles Aerie for sugar addiction? If not, maybe I'll start one. Sugar is a harmful substance. There's many studies out there about how it affects our aging process, our weight, and the all-around way we feel. It's not, though, as harmful as cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine and perhaps that's why there's not a group meeting on Tuesdays called SA.
I plan to continue only imbibing on Sundays after we celebrate Easter. I just hope I can do it.
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