Being a grammar and punctuation sleuth, I am troubled as to whether it is New Year's Resolutions or New Years' Resolutions. Since it is plural, do you go plural possessive or just possessive with the
"Year"? I really have no idea and right now I'd rather just create my post than worry about such trivial things.
Maybe that should be my New Year's Resolution; not to sweat the small stuff. Really, though, what do you think about resolving to make a change just because the calendar has run out? (and hopefully you've bought a new one by now -- you have one more day!)
I have my own opinions about resolutions, change, the calendar and promises, but you don't necessarily want to hear my thoughts, so I took it to the family. My husband's family was over Sunday afternoon for our Christmas gathering. Oh, how fun it was! Truly, it was a good time. You see, my husband is one of four siblings and there are five offspring of those four. Each one of the four has a spouse or significant other. And if a train leaves Boston... oh, sorry...
I am always impressed when the entire family gets together because there is so much energy in the room, so much brain power that it almost hurts to listen to them. There usually ends up being one random query that makes everyone scratch their head. The topic is usually discussed for an inordinate amount of time and then makes an occasional re-appearance again throughout the gathering. I figured who else to take the subject of New Year's Resolutions to, but a group of highly intelligent, analytical folks? So I asked them (okay, some of them -- I missed an entire table of people because I was distracted) to share their thoughts.
One young man -- oh, that was our son -- said "someday" isn't on the calendar, so the new year is a good time to make a change. It's a definitive date, so mentally it prepares you.
Someone else shared his promise to make healthier eating choices.
A smart young 'en of just 12 said she thought they were stupid because nobody ever sticks to their resolutions. (I'm with her).
Another couple of lads thought it was a good idea but it is hard to make anything stick, especially related to fitness and diet because of the length of time that it takes to either break a habit or create a new one. B-I-N-G-O! Though one guy did say that a few years ago his dad's giving up soda has stuck and he hasn't had any since. Man, these kids were very insightful.
So if sticking to a resolution is so difficult, why do we make them year after year after year? I'm sure someone out there has some statistic as to how much money is poured into fitness clubs in the first week of a new year only to become wasted dollars. I have noticed in my years of regular attendance at a gym that this week, historically, makes for a crowded workout. By Valentine's Day, we'll be back to where we were in November!
Here I am a day before the new year contemplating my resolution. Should I or shouldn't I? I've thought about it. I really could be a more attentive wife. I should spend more time in prayer and devotion each day. Maybe I could work on not sweating the small stuff so much. Hmmm... or maybe I should give up worrying. Or maybe I'll just wait until February 13th when Lent begins and make a change then. It's a much shorter time that I'd have to sacrifice if I only do it / give it up / change for the 40 days of lent rather than an ENTIRE YEAR!
I guess while you're out tracking down that 2013 calendar I will decide on a New Year's Resolution. Will you resolve to make a change for the new year? If so, please share.
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