Monday, July 16, 2012

Fiona? Fiona? Fiohhhnnnnaa!?

So I don't know if you know what a monster smoothie (or green smoothie) is.  I drink them multiple times a week because they're good for you -- blah blah blah.  This morning I make myself a tropical green smoothie, complete with orange, banana, coconut, mango & spinach.  Freshly poured,  my cold cup is sitting on the counter and as I go to put the lid on the cup, I hit a salad bowl that was tilted up on the counter drying and it falls over hitting the cup of green smoothie.  It tips over -- towards me, of course -- and it splashes/spills ALL OVER ME.  So now I'm standing there looking at my shoes and the green goo all over the kitchen thinking, "Oh my goodness, Shrek just shit all over me!" 

Of course, this entire thing happened within 5 minutes of me needing to leave the house.  So, what do I do first -- strip naked in the kitchen? wipe down the counter? mop the floor?  No... I just stand there, staring for a few minutes wondering WTH do I do.!  So I strip down to my undergarments and grab a large towel.  I start from the bottom up, wiping the floor, the cupboard doors & then the countertop.  I finished off with wiping down the fridge, the dishwasher & cleaning my shoes.  Tossing my green-puke blouse & sweater in OxyClean, I trod upstairs to pick out a new outfit.  At this point I've already missed the bus and am wondering if it's even necessary for me to go to work & perhaps I should just climb back into bed.  But realizing that I am a highly-valued employee, I grab some quick-change clothes, put them on & out the door I go, 30 minutes later than usual.  I drive to work, praying the entire way that the start to my morning is an isolated incident and that I can arrive at work on time, unscathed by any further harm.  Alas, I did... only to spend 10 minutes in court and the rest of the day in my office!  So, again, I ask... Can't I just climb back into bed?

Hope you're having a happy day!

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