Monday, October 3, 2011

I want to be somebody

Who am I, really?  A mom.  A wife.  A court reporter.  A strong Christian woman who truly believes in the power of God.  I am all that!  But I want to be more.  As life cruises along and we are swept up in the day-to-day grunge work of parenthood, married life and careerdom, don't we really want more?  Don't we want to be known for something?  I'm not the next Bill Gates or an up-and-coming Oprah, nor am I the next entrepreneur who is starting a great business.  I'm not an author who will write the next New York Times bestseller (which I'm thinking you've figured out by now.) 

So what is it that I want to be?  I want to be the loving-est wife, the most patient mom, the strongest woman that lives her life in the way that Jesus asks each of us.  I want to be *that* career woman that carries everything I want to be into the office and cast that upon those I meet each day.

When we were young, in high school, when we were carefree and whimsical, we had dreams of what we would be.  Some people acted on those dreams and are living that life they saw for themselves; others realized those dreams were so unrealistic and changed direction.  I don't think a midlifer has to lose the idea of dreaming.  Our dreams are just different now that we have families, husbands, wives, kids, careers, responsibilities; some of us even have extended families that we are caring for that add extra blessings in our lives.    

Continue to dream.  Re-light the fire and be who you want to be!  Take others with you on the journey because it's more fun!

Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss, you'll land upon the stars!

What is your dream?

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